"When you change the way you view birth, the way you birth will change"- Marie Mongan​
The aim of the Hypnobirthing course is to help you and your partner feel prepared, relaxed and confident about your upcoming birth. You will be provided with tools and knowledge that will help you keep a positive mindset, cope with labour and create a good birth experience, regardless of how and where you give birth.
The course is thought in English and consists of five weekly sessions of approximately 2-2,5 h each.
The Hypnobirthing Advantage
Eliminates the Fear-Tension-Pain Syndrome
Reduces the need for chemical anesthesia, episiotomy, and other interventions
Lessens fatigue during labour
Often shortens labour
Reduces risk of pelvic floor damage
Brings the mother, the baby, and the birthing partner together in a wonderful bonding experience
The birthing partner is an integral part of the birth, not an onlooker
Gentle birth leads to easier emotional and physical post-partum recovery
Babies are better adjusted and happier
Birthing is returned to the safe, beautiful, peaceful experience that nature intended
Topics we will cover​​
Unit 1
Philosophy and beginnings of HypnoBirthing
The origins of fear in labour
How fear affects labour
How the uterus works in birthing
Birth hormones
The nervous system
The power of the mind
Mind/body connection
The laws of the mind and change
Breathing and relaxation
Unit 2
Pre-birth parenting and bondning
Choosing care providers
The Dutch maternity system
Birth environments
Your birth plan
Preparing your body for birth
Relaxation practice
Unit 3
Visualization and deepening techniques
Your body's perfect design
Stages of labour
Thinning and opening
Due dates
Breech babies
Informed decision making
Breathing in labour
Unit 4
The birthing stage
Breathing in birth
Optimal positioning of the baby
The role of the birth partner
Comfort techniques for labour
Positions for labour and birth
How the pelvis works
Birth rehearsal imagery
Unit 5
The golden hour
The fourth trimester
Planning ahead
Releasing fears and limiting thoughts

Hypnobirthing Course
Private Course
€ 495
5 private sessions in your home (or through video call) for you and your partner, each 2-2,5 h
Sessions tailored to your needs
Demonstrations and practice
The book HypnoBirthing - The Mongan Method
Audio downloads with affirmations and a relaxation track
Workbook with additional materials
Continuous contact with the teacher via phone, e-mail or WhatsApp as needed
If you live outside of Almere a travel fee of 0.21 cent (excl. VAT) per km will be charged when I come to you.